Tenses: Present Simple



[Infinitive] + s in third person singular (he, she, it).


Affirmative sentences:


work in a bank. My brother works in a farm.
We sleep at 10 o’clock. She sleeps at 9 o’clock.
They play tennis. Tom plays football.


Negative sentences:

You must not negate a full verb in English. Always use the auxiliary do for negations.


I watch TV.
I don’t watch TV at all.


My sister uses a computer.
My father doesn’t use computers at all.


Interrogative sentences:

Use the auxiliary do in questions.

  • Do you play basketball?
  • Does he play basketball?



The Simple Present is used to express:


1. Action which happens again and again (habit)

  • They go to work by car
  • He washes his hair twice a week


 2. A fact which is always true.

  •  Some birds fly south in winter
  •  The sun sets in the west


 3. Scheduled events in the near future

  •  The train from Brussels arrives at 8.30
  •  The party starts at 9 o’clock.


The Simple Present is used with the following adverbs of frequency:

0% —————————————-50%————————————————–100%

never       rarely     not often      sometimes         often           usually             always